Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in 100, 200, 500 Words in English

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi & Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

In this article, we write a Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi and Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in 100, 200, 500 Words for School student as well as SSC, MTS Aspirants.

Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi was born on 02-October-1869 in a respectable Vaishya family of Porbandar State in Kathiawad. His parents were well-to-do people, His father Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi served as the diwan (chief minister) of Porbandar state.

He received his early education at the local primary and high schools. After passing the entrance examination, he went to England to qualify himself for the legal profession.  He was truthful and honest from his very childhood. He was very careful about his character.

essay on Mahatma Gandhi
Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

After qualifying himself for the legal profession, he returned to India and started practice in the Bombay High Court. He went to Natal in South Africa to appear in the case of his client.  There he saw how the Indians were subjected to utter humiliation by the European population of South Africa. 

He established the National Indian Congress in South Africa in 1894. Under its auspices, he led the agitation for the removal of those disabilities from which the Indian was suffering.  He invented the new weapon of Satyagraha.  

He fought with this weapon tenaciously. He suffered imprisonment but he stuck to his resolve. His efforts met with great success there.

The European indigo planters in Bihar were oppressing the tenants very much. Mahatma Gandhi transferred his activities to Motihari.  

He took up the cause of the indigo cultivators.  His intervention brought about a settlement between them. He started his non-cooperation movement in 1921.  Since then he led the Indian National Congress.  

The Indian National Congress went on gaining strength under his able guidance.  He led various struggles from time to time for the independence of the country.  The country reached its goal under his able guidance.

Mahatma Gandhi was great not because of his politics. His greatness lies in his moral outlook on life. The truth was not a virtue or ideal for him.  It was the very breath of his life. It is this which armed him with the invincible power he possessed.  

He feared nobody. He was prepared to face the mightiest power of the earth for the cause of truth and justice.  He made an intensive study of the Gita and followed its teaching in practical life.

He succeeded in bringing about the political salvation of India.  He wanted to see the supremacy of truth and non-violence in the whole world.

Unfortunately, the world is inclined otherwise today.  But the future of the world can be safe only when it follows the path shown by him.  Any other course is perilous.

He was shot dead while going to attend a prayer meeting on the 30th of January, 1948 in Delhi.  India, nay, the whole world is poorer today on account of his death.  May his soul rest in peace.

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Thanks for Reading Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English & About Mahatma Gandhi.  Essay on Mahatma Gandhi. All About Mahatma Gandhiji & Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English in 100, 200, 300, 400, & 500 words. 


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